About Yvonne Kruger Inc
We are a small to medium sized practice with several years of experience enabling us to offer you a unique legal service. As we appreciate the severe impact personal injury can have on the individual and his/her family, we pride ourselves in offering a personal service with a caring attitude and dignity in our approach to each matter.
Your claim will be dealt with by a single attorney and a team of support staff from start to finish, ensuring consistency while building a personal relationship with you, because we care.

Having specialized in the field of personal injury for a number of years, we assist victims of road accidents and their families in the process of assessment, lodging, quantification and litigation of claims arising out of injuries, including but not limited to orthopedic injuries, injuries resulting in loss of limbs, brain injuries, spinal injuries and loss of support arising out of motor vehicle accidents.

Yvonne Kruger Inc further deals with matters governed by Portuguese Law.Our fields of work include : Deceased Estates, Portuguese Wills, Citizenship Applications, Divorce in Terms of Portuguese Law/ Noting South African Divorce in Portugal, Portuguese Contracts, Purchase and Sale of Property in Portugal, Rental Agreements for Property in Portugal.
So You Think You Need Our Assistance?
How it Works?

Send us your legal requests.

We will investigate your case and be in contact.

We will fight your case in court.
The Rights Of Motor Vehicle Accident Victims

What is the Road Accident Fund?
It is a public entity which has been set up to pay compensation to people injured in road accidents or the dependants of people killed in road accidents, arising from the negligent driving of motor vehicles in South Africa.

Time period to make a claim?
If the identity of the offending driver or owner is known, the claim must be lodged within three years from the date on which the claim arose. (This does not apply to a claim of a minor). If the identity of the offending driver or owner is unknown, the claim must be lodged within two years from the date on which the claim arose.

What can you claim for?
1. Medical expenses (past and future).
2. Funeral expenses.
3. Loss of earnings or income (past and future).
4. Loss of support for a dependant of a deceased victim (past and future).
5. General damages for pain, suffering and disfigurement. This is determined after examining the extent and severity of the injury.

Where does the fund get its money from?
The fund generates its income from a fuel levy that is included in the price of petrol and diesel throughout the entire country. The size of the fund increases every year based on the financial calculation of its costs per

Who is entitled to make a claim?
1. A person who was personally injured (except a driver who was the sole cause of the accident).
2. A dependant of a deceased victim.
3. A claimant under the age of 18 years must be assisted by a parent or legal guardian.

Despite recent amendments to the Road Accident Fund Act (which applies to all accidents which occured on/after 1 August 2008), you may still be able to claim for all or most of the above heads of damages.
Email us to book an appointment
011 468 5088
You have questions? Contact us today, we’re here to help.
Email ykruger@yki.co.za / admin@yki.co.za